Monday, April 15, 2013


Review on Cure for bruxism

Bruxism Cure Bruxism Solution

The site, was formed by Charles Harrison as a measure for guiding people suffering from bruxism to overcome the illness. The greatest risk involved with bruxism is that many of the bruxers are unaware of this habit in them until irrevocable damage has been inflicted to their teeth and gums.

Charles Harrison, a bruxer himself, came up with innovative methods for treating bruxism where other treatments were found to be ineffective. The success of his treatment procedure motivated him to launch the site where the people can download the programs for a cost-effective rate.

The story behind cure for bruxism
The personal sufferings of Charles Harrison caused by bruxism resulted in the formation of cure for bruxism. By the age of nine, his teeth got flattened after incessant grinding done during the night. Resorting to neither the $500 night guard nor a sports mouth guard could spare his teeth from further damage. This made him probe deep into the cause of the night chewing. While some suggested stress to be the cause of the same, another dentist concluded malocclusion to be the explanation. But when they were proven to be wrong, Harrison decided to identify those factors that would help him to fight the disease.

Visiting a dentist, an acupuncturist, neither a hypnotherapist nor a craniologist helped him in his struggle against bruxism. His long-term efforts in identifying and analyzing the factors responsible finally saw a positive outcome over the period. A few changes to the lifestyle and some exercises proved effective in his quest for solution. This resulted in the formation of the site where he provides a detailed step-by-step procedure for getting over the illness.

Unlike other treatments, cure for bruxism makes use of natural methods for retraining the mouth muscles which would ultimately stop teeth grinding in the night. He aims to identify the real cause for bruxism, the relationship between sleep posture and grinding of teeth, effectiveness of herbal remedies in bruxism, the “press clench” exercise, and other exercises and techniques that can guarantee a stop to this alarming habit.

A one-time payment of $37 can take you through ‘Save your smile, Stop grinding” which is a downloadable program with lots of illustrations explaining the procedure to be followed in detail. Joining now makes one entitled to get unlimited access to the members’ area, two bonus books – one on facts for stress related grinders and long-term teeth grinders, and the other on dream analysis – besides having free future updates. 

bruxism solution
bruxism solution


Get your HERE

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Baby Grinding Teeth

Baby Grinding Teeth 


Why does my baby grind his teeth?

Experts don't know for sure what causes teeth grinding, but they point fingers at tension or anxiety, pain (from earaches or teething, for example), and malocclusion (a dental term for when the teeth don't line up just right). Some also suggest that allergies may play a role. And there's some evidence that pinworms are sometimes the culprit. Finally, your toddler may just be getting used to the sensation of having teeth in his mouth.

Your child is a bit more likely to grind his teeth if you do. He's also more likely to grind if he drools or talks in his sleep.

About 38 percent of children grind their teeth, according to a 2005 study published in the Journal of Dentistry for Children. The average age for starting the habit is around 3 1/2 years and the average age for stopping is 6 — though, of course, people of all ages grind their teeth. Almost all teeth grinding happens at night.

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Complications of bruxism

Teeth grinding can cause a range of dental problems, which may include:
  • Cracked tooth enamel
  • Excessive wear and tear on the teeth
  • Broken teeth or restorations
  • Strain on the joints and soft tissue of the jaw joint (temporo-mandibular joint)
  • Temporo-mandibular disorder
  • Tooth loss (rarely)
  • Enlargement of the jaw muscles (rarely).

A range of causes

Some of the many factors believed to trigger bruxism in susceptible people include:
  • Emotional stress, such as anger or anxiety
  • Mental concentration
  • Physical effort or stress, such as illness, nutritional deficiency or dehydration
  • Incorrect tooth alignment, including fillings that are too ‘high’
  • Drug misuse (particularly amphetamines)
  • Eruption of teeth (babies and children).

Teeth grinding - Bruxism

Teeth grinding - Bruxism

First of all i must say there is a cure.

What is Teeth grinding, or also known as Bruxism?

Is involuntary clenching, grinding and gnashing of the teeth. It generally happens during sleep, but some people experience it when they are awake. Symptoms may include headache, jaw joint or ear pain, aching teeth, cracked or chipped tooth enamel and mobile (loose) teeth.


Signs and symptoms of gnashing of the teeth

Signs and symptoms of bruxism include:
  • Audible grinding sounds while the person is asleep
  • Headache, jaw joint and/or ear pain
  • Aching teeth, particularly upon waking
  • Aching and/or stiffness of the face and temples upon waking
  • Aching or stiffness in the jaws while chewing, particularly during breakfast
  • Clenching the jaw when angry, anxious or concentrating
  • Temperature-sensitive teeth
  • Cracked or chipped tooth enamel
  • Tooth indentations on the tongue
  • Raised tissue on the cheek mucosa caused by cheek biting (linea alba)

Find the cure here:


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